

Granite Countertop Thickness: Part 2 2020-02-01

Granite countertops have been on-trend for many decades and have seen countless design shifts. The only exception was the thickness — 2 cm as the industry standard resisted the wind of changes and remained constant for years. However, either the wind got stronger, or designers got tired of the same thickness for each countertop, the result is the same: thicker countertops with their luxurious look attract more and more people. But how thick should we go? And in what cases the good old 2 cm countertop is still better? Certainly, all of it depends on your needs for the design. In part 1, we talked about the design and price differences.  Today, we will explore some other factors you should consider and what granite countertop thickness is best for your project! 

Colors, Patterns, Availability

With the industry standard of 2 cm, it may be hard to find as many options for different countertop thickness. In some cases, you would need to choose between the perfect color palette and perfect thickness size. Another option would be to change some design accents in the original project. If you are just starting out, we recommend to check with your stone supplier first and see whether you would need to make any changes to other interior design elements. 

Communicate with Your Supplier 

Make sure you know what is your deadline to decide on a certain countertop. If you found a perfect granite for your design — try to buy it as soon as possible, as natural stone options are always limited and even different pieces of the same stone may look different. Xiamen Aofei Building Materials experts are always happy to help you with any questions regarding availability, deadlines, and other options! 

Are you ready to make your project perfect with a natural stone countertop?  Call us today and we will make sure you find the best option just for you at Xiamen Aofei!

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